
Moms in the Rat Race

I spoke at a White House conference some years ago at which the other speaker was Dr. Armand Nicholi,...

Rethinking Priorities and Mom’s Role

Fortunately, there is growing evidence that mothers are questioning the assumptions of the eighties...

Most Moms Care More About Families Than Careers

America’s materialistic value system runs very deep within the culture. If the scale-back ever...

Boys In Crisis

Some of my readers may be wondering at this point, Why only boys? Why not also consider the needs...

Wounded Spirits – Body Image

There are other factors that wound the spirit, of course. One of them is the extreme emphasis on body...

Preserving the Spirit of Your Son

There has to be a better way to preserve the spirit of your son. It may require extraordinary and...

Why Bullies Bully

Why do boys harass and intimidate each other this way? Angela Phillips explained it like this: “The...

Bullying Lessons Taught By Violence in the Media

Another key factor is the prevalence of violence in the media, which has taught kids the wrong way...

Advice For Parents of Wounded Spirits

Let me offer some advice now to mothers and fathers of wounded spirits about what you can do to prevent...

Understanding “Fatherneed”

Behavioral scientists have only recently begun to understand how critical fathers are to the healthy...

Two Critical Periods for Boys

A father holds awesome power in the lives of his children, for good or ill. Families have understood...

Single Moms and Sons

As I have been writing the words of this chapter, my thoughts have turned repeatedly to the single...