
Moral Support for Single Parents

Question: What encouragement can you offer to those of us who are single parents? Each day seems more...

Curbing Teenage Sex

Question: It seems clear that comprehensive sex-education programs have failed miserably...

Words that Shape a Culture

In our modern political world, politicians are particularly aware of the importance of words. ...

Non-Judgmental Words about Sexuality Change Moral Standards

Other words have been replaced by nonjudgmental substitutes.  Somewhere between 1960 and 1980,...

Words That Are Only Used to Condemn Traditional Values

Other words in the public debate seem to be "one way" words.  They are only applied...

That’s the Way Life Goes Sometimes

Some years ago, I read a most touching letter to a magazine editor written by a fourteen-year-old...

Top Reasons Why Daddies Matter

When the chemistry is right, fathers make contributions to the welfare of their daughters in almost...

Addendum – Helpful Resources For Parents

Let me share with you now some resources that might assist you in bringing up girls. My daughter,...

Big Differences

The research supporting my earlier book, Bringing Up Boys, showed unequivocally that boys were in...

The Shaping of Girls

Like their brothers, many girls are being victimized by cultural influences that are increasingly...

Am I Lovely?

One of my early books was titled What Wives Wish Their Husbands Knew about Women. It was based on...

A Successful Family

Successful family life is difficult to achieve. It is never perfect and is often problematic. You...