
Dangers of Childcare

Question: You referred to various problems associated with child care facilities. Are there any others...

When It’s Safe to Leave Our Daughters

Question: My daughter has a friend who has a single dad. They want to have a sleepover at her house....

The River of Culture

Whether you have cuddly little preschool girls who are toddling around your house or budding young...

Liberated Facilities

Behavior that was shockingly racy then has become the pop culture of today. Teenagers are taught its...

Modesty Under Fire

Carol Platt Liebau illustrates the depth of this moral degeneracy:

Sexual activity has infected...

Q&A – A Path Back Home

Question: I am one of those women who would love to stay home with my children, butthere is no way...

Forcing Our Kids To Grow Up Fast

Question: It seems to me that we are making our kids grow up too fast. Parents of my children’s...

Q&A – The Tough Choice To Slow Down

Question: Your description of the caterpillar fits my family perfectly. We live an exhausting lifestyle...

A Boy’s Struggle With Sexual Identity and Orientation

A few years ago, I received the following scribbled note from a very troubled youth. He wrote:


The Origins of Homosexuality

What do we know about this disorder? Well first, it is a disorder, despite the denials of the American...

Exploring Prehomosexuality

Let’s explore what is going on within those who are experiencing prehomosexual urges. We also...

Parent’s Role in Boy’s Gender and Sexual Identification

In my opinion (and in the opinion of an increasing number ofresearchers), the father plays an essential...