
Q&A – Moms Hold The Keys To Father and Son Relationship

Question: It is hard for me to admit that I have very little respect for my husband. He has never...

Chasing the Caterpillar

The great French naturalist Jean-Henri Fabre once conducted a fascinating experiment with processionary...

Most Moms Care More About Families Than Careers

America’s materialistic value system runs very deep within the culture. If the scale-back ever...

Understanding “Fatherneed”

Behavioral scientists have only recently begun to understand how critical fathers are to the healthy...

Q&A – Do Kids Bounce Back Quickly from Divorce?

Question: I know that divorce is tough on kids when it happens. But what are the long-term implications...

Raising Good Boys in the Postmodern Age

We want to help parents raise “good” boys in this postmodern age. The culture is at war...

Boys and Girls Are The Same? The Unisex Movement

Even a child can see that boys and girls are different. Unfortunately, what is obvious to most children...

Boy’s Brains: The Amygdala

The third aspect of neurobiology that helps us understand the differences between males and females...

Angry Words

Have you ever set yourself on fire with sparks spraying from your tongue? More important, have you...

Q&A – How Does Heredity Influence Behavior?

Question: What role does heredity play in influencing the behavior of a kid like mine?


Pornography Is a Huge Threat to Boys

I hope you will read very carefully what I am about to write now, because it explains why this matter...

America Leads the World in Single Parenting

We receive letters, phone calls, and e-mail responses at Family Talk every month, some of them coming...