
Releasing Your Child

No matter how much you prepare, letting go is never easy. The late Erma Bombeck likened the parenting...

The Wonderful World of Boys

Greetings to all the men and women out there who are blessed to be called parents. There is no greater...

What Are Boys Made Of?

In an article entitled, “What Are Boys Made Of?” reporter Paula Gray Hunker quoted a mother...

Boys and Risky Behavior

Canadian psychologist Barbara Morrongiello studied the different ways boys and girls think about risky...

Vive la Différence

One of the most enjoyable aspects of my responsibility at the ministry is to review the letters, telephone...

Boys and Girls Are The Same? The Unisex Movement

Even a child can see that boys and girls are different. Unfortunately, what is obvious to most children...

Q&A - Treatment for Attention Deficit Disorder

Question: What kind of treatment is available?

Dr. Dobson Answer: Treatment involves a range...

Q&A - Ritalin and Attention Deficit Disorder

Book: Bringing Up Boys

By Dr. James Dobson

Excerpt from Chapter 3: So What Is The Difference?


Testosterone – The He Hormone

Testosterone [T] is clearly correlated in both men and women with psychological dominance, confident...

Boys, Testosterone, and Social Dominance

Testosterone is responsible in humans, at least in part, for what might be called “social dominance.”...

Boys and Serotonin

Let’s turn briefly to another hormone that affects human behavior. It is called serotonin, and...

Boy’s Brains: The Amygdala

The third aspect of neurobiology that helps us understand the differences between males and females...