
Self-Esteem an Original Sin

Question: Relative to your arguments about lack of self-esteem, don't you think the Bible in...

Should Children Decide For Themselves About God?

Question: Should a child be allowed to "decide for himself" on matters related to his concept...

Moral Issues Regarding Abortion

Question: Would you express your opinion on the matter of abortion on demand?  How do you see...

A Father’s First Priority

Question: What do you feel is a father's number one priority?

Answer: His most important...

A Simple Bag of Groceries

A few years ago I slipped into a market to buy a few groceries for lunch.  Standing in front...

My Greatest Challenge As a Father

Question:  What has been your greatest challenge as a father? What did you learn from it?


The Biblical Approach to Money

Question: What, then, is the biblical approach to possessions and money? You've spelled out what...

Moral Support for Single Parents

Question: What encouragement can you offer to those of us who are single parents? Each day seems more...

Pray For Your Children's Salvation

Question: My wife and I have been praying for the salvation of our children for more...

Regretting our Failures as Parents

Question: My wife and I are new Christians, and we now realize that we raised our...

The Most Critical Age For Spiritual Training of Children

Question: What is the most important period in the spiritual training of young children?


Q&A – Expectations of God in Tough Times

Question: I've often heard that God will not abandon us when we go through the fiery trial. But...