
The Insidious Nature of Infidelity Part 2

The Insidious Nature of Infidelity - part 1

The Convention of States: The Dangerous Rise of Socialism - part 2

The Convention of States: Reining in Government Spending - part 1

Defeating Dementia - part 2

Does Spanking Work?

Question: I have spanked my children for their disobedience, and it didn't seem to...

Is It Wrong to Be Wealthy?

Question: Do you think it is wrong to be unusually wealthy?


Can Santa and Jesus Coexist?

Question: As a child, Christmas was always my favorite time of the year. I really enjoyed hearing...

Speaking the Truth in Love

Americans know intuitively that something is wrong with the idea of legally endorsing same-sex “marriages.”...

A Message To Husbands and Wives

To Husbands

It is high time you realized that your wives are under attack today! Everything...

Letter to Dr. Dobson From A Gay Man

The Trappings Of Success

It took me a while to get my own priorities straightened out. Indeed, I almost made the greatest mistake...