Protecting Life and Liberty Part 2

Guest: Dr. Jay Sekulow

As we celebrate our nation's birthday today, Jay Sekulow shares the understanding that the institution of the church needs to be held up. And as we'll hear, we as Christians need to fight for our liberty and freedom to keep the church intact. Learn how NOT to be at risk of losing your freedom, which is a gift from our Creator. Jay Sekulow is widely regarded as one of the foremost free speech and religious liberties litigators in the United States, having argued 12 times before the U.S. Supreme Court in some of the most groundbreaking First Amendment cases of the past quarter century. As Chief Counsel of the American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ), he is a renowned constitutional attorney, an international expert on religious liberty, and an acclaimed and distinguished broadcaster. Jay Sekulow is a passionate advocate for protecting religious and constitutional freedoms with an impressive track record of success. His steadfast determination and commitment to protecting these freedoms is expansive with his work resulting in a lasting impact across America and around the world.

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