Q&A – The Rewards of Motherhood

Question: The greatest thrill of my life has been the privilege of bringing our two children into the world and raising them day by day. It is hard for me to understand those who are hostile to motherhood and think it is just a waste of a woman's time. What could be more rewarding than being someone's mom?

Answer: The Bible refers to children as a "blessing" from God, and it certainly is just that. Your comment reminds me of an inspirational letter I received recently from a physician friend that speaks to that point. He shows us how motherhood is not only a blessing, it is "sacred." I think you will enjoy reading it. The letter came from Dr. C. H. McGowen:

Dear Dr. Dobson,

While reading Augustine's Confessions recently, I came across the adjective sacral, which he used in reference to something holy or sacred. Being a physician, we in the profession know the word sacrum to identify a bone at the lower spine or pelvis. As a Christian, I wondered if there had been some divine influence or inspiration placed upon the ancient anatomists who were bestowing names on various parts of the skeleton. That led me to do a bit of research into the possible association of theology and anatomy where this particular bone is concerned. It was quite providential, I believe, that the portion of the human anatomy which stands guard over the birth canal in the female is called, in Latin, the os sacrum, literally meaning "holy or sacred bone." Why would the ancient anatomist (Galan about 400 A.D. or Vesalius about 1543 A.D.) have chosen this particular name for this bone?

The dictionary tells us that the word sacred means "belonging toGod, holy, set apart for a special purpose, and properly immune from violence or interference." Now we see the connection with thesacrum. It guards the pelvis with its birth canal, which is the origin of physical life. It contains the organs that produce the "seeds" of life in the ovaries. They are the producers of eggs which, when fertilized by the sperm, become a living soul implanted by God. Thebody developing in the womb, also located in the pelvis, contains this soul from the moment of conception, and that soul isdeclared sacred because it belongs to God. Ezekiel 18:4 reads, "Every living soul belongs to me." The body is merely the house ortent for the soul.

The sacrum, then, is a holy bone with a very definite purpose. Itlends structural support to the developing baby within the womb, an act that becomes increasingly more important as the baby grows and gains weight. In God's eyes, this sacred place should never be violated by the abortionist's curette, suction apparatus, or trochar (the latter in the process of partial birth abortion). Nothing should interfere during any stage of development with that precious life thatis growing there. No pill or surgical "weapon" should violate that sacral domain. To enter this area forany other reason than to give aid to, or deliver the life of, that individual which temporarily resides therein, is not only a violation of that person's life; it is also aviolation of and intrusion upon God's law. God has a purpose andplan for that life. He inspired David to write, "All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be" (Psalm 139:16).

Thank you, Dr. Dobson, for taking the time to read this letter. The sacrum really is sacred.

Book: Bringing Up Boys

By Dr. James Dobson

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