Q&A - Treatment for Attention Deficit Disorder

Question: What kind of treatment is available?

Dr. Dobson Answer: Treatment involves a range of factors, beginning with education. The adult with ADD is often greatly relieved to learn that he or she has an identifiable, treatable condition. Dr. Robert Reid from the University of Nebraska calls it the "label of forgiveness." He said, "The kid's problems are not his parents' fault, not the teacher's fault, not the kid's fault." That is good news to the person who has been told all his life that he's dumb, stupid, lazy, obnoxious, and disruptive.

The first step in rebuilding the self-concept of an adult, then, is to get an understanding of the forces are at higher risk for marital conflict too. It can be very irritating to a compulsive, highly ordered husband or wife to be married to a "messie"—someone whose life is chaotic and who forgets to pay the bills, fix the car, or keep records for income-tax reports. Such a couple usually needs professional counseling to help them learn to work together and capitalize on each other's strengths.

Book: Bringing Up Boys

By Dr. James Dobson

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